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Example Podcast - Engage Fifty

A Fireside Chat with Divya Kerslake, Head of Customer Strategy at Virgin Red.

Everywhere you turn, every company you transact with is trying to sign you up to their new loyalty scheme. Retail is saturated with loyalty schemes but are they effective? Divya will explore the rise of loyalty schemes, their purpose and how to create lasting relationships with your customers. 



Divya Kerslake

Divya Kerslake

Virgin Red Head of Customer Strategy
Divya’s career and expertise has spread across two very different industries over 15+ years, but always with the common focus of the end customer and their experience. She started at Microsoft working on Xbox and moved to Virgin to define and establish their group wide loyalty scheme Virgin Red. Her global roles and varied experience have established her as a leader within the customer growth and engagement area.
Martin Hill-Wilson

Martin Hill-Wilson

Brainfood Consulting Founder
I'm a customer engagement and digital business strategist. Also an author and international keynote speaker. Working under my own brand, Brainfood Consulting, I design masterclasses and transformational change helping clients evolve their social and digital capabilities. Current topics include omni-channel design, proactive, low effort customer experience, social customer service and customer hubs. All themed around service innovation.

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